The Self-evaluation of every department may be provided separately in about 3-4 pages, avoiding the repetition of the data. 1.Name of the department : Department of Physics 2.Year of Establishment : 1981-82 3.grated Masters, Integrated Ph.D, etc):-UG 4. Names of interdisciplinary courses an. Names of programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG,M.Phil,Ph.D,Inted the departments / units involved:-NIL 5. Annual / Semester / choice based credit system (Programme wise):-Annual 6. Participation of the deparment in the cources offered by other deparments:-NIL 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institution etc :- NIL 8. Details of courses / programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons : NIL 9. Number of Teaching post
10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization (D.Sc. / D. Litt. / Ph.D / M.Phil etc)
11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (programme wise) by temporary faculty- NIL 13. Student- Teacher Ratio (Programme wise) :128:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff, sanctioned and filled:-Demonstrator Sanctioned-01,Filled-01 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc / D.Litt / Ph.D / MPhil / PG : PG – 01-M.Phil. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) National (b ) International funding agencies and grants received : NIL 17. Departmental projects funded by DST – FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc and total grants received. : NIL 18. Research centre / facility recognized by the university : NIL
20. Area of consultancy and income generated : NIL 21. Faculty as members in : NIL a) National Committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards 22. Student projects :- NIL a) Percentage of students who have done in house projects including inter departmental / programme. b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories / industry / other agencies. 23. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students. : NIL 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department : NIL 25. Seminars / conferences / workshops organized & the source of funding : NIL a) National b) International 26. Student profile Programme / Course wise : N.A 27. Diversity of students.
28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence service etc? : No scope 29. Student Progression
30. Details of Infrastructural facilities:- a) Library : Yes b) Internet facilities for staff & students : Yes c) Class rooms with ICT facility: Yes d) Laboratories : Yes 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies. :- 32. Details on student enrichment programme (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. Nil 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning.: Lecturer method, Experimental method, Projector method 34. Participation in Institutional social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities :- NSS, YRC, VEP in diffrent college, executive member in International Human Rights. (Viem More) 35. SWOC Analysis of the Department and future plans:- Strength :- Efficient teacher and sincere Students students Weakness :- In adequate faculty. Opportunity :- Graduates having physics as a subject can adopt different branches of advance physics and applied science for their career. Challenge :- The faculty members tried to cater the needs of the students besides in adequate faculty. ~~~~~^***^~~~~~ |
Sri Surendra Kumar Hota Lecture in Physics
Jadunath Saha Demonstrator in Physics
Gitanjali Sahu Lab. Attendant
Department of Physics Seminar
Topic- Matter Wave Dualism
Date- 30.07.2015
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